Celebrating Mass
Below you will find resources to assist with celebrating Mass according to the ars celebrandi, that is, with the fidelity and reverence that makes it ever more transparent to the radiance of the Heavenly Liturgy. (Click here to learn more about the ars celebrandi.)
Trainings for Liturgical Ministers (In Person)
Our Archdiocesan Office for Divine Worship offers training workshop for liturgical ministers, including extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, altar servers and more. The Eucharistic Revival is a grace-filled time for all of us to rediscover the beauty and reverence that we are called to demonstrate in our liturgical ministries. Please consider attending a workshop!
Courses in the Sacred Liturgy from The Liturgical Institute (Online)
4-Course Bundle for the Eucharistic Revival
The Eucharistic Revival is an excellent time for all of us to revisit the Church’s teachings on the Sacred Liturgy, how it should be celebrated and how we can make our liturgical practices most reflective of the splendor of the Heavenly Liturgy. To assist us with this, The Liturgical Institute at Mundelein has made available to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia a special bundle of four of their on-line courses at the reduced rate of $49. This bundle of courses provide foundational information for clergy, religious and the lay faithful, especially liturgical ministers. Course topics in this bundle:
An Introduction to the Sacred Liturgy
Understanding Active Participation in the Sacred Liturgy
The Art of Celebrating Mass
Instructions for Liturgical Ministers
To learn more and purchase this bundle of courses, visit phillyrevival.liturgy.online.
6-Course Bundle for the Philadelphia Catholic Liturgy Program
The Liturgical Institute at Mundelein has made available to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia a special bundle of six of their on-line courses at the reduced rate of $199. This bundle of courses provide foundational information for clergy, religious and the lay faithful, especially liturgical ministers. Course topics in this bundle:
An Introduction to the Sacred Liturgy
An Introduction to the Sacraments
The Theology of Beauty and the Sacred Liturgy
Liturgy and Discipleship
The Art of Celebrating Mass
Instructions for Liturgical Ministers
To learn more and purchase this bundle of courses, visit: https://liturgy.teachable.com/p/philadelphia
Pope Francis' Apostolic Letter on the Sacred Liturgy
On June 29, 2022, our Holy Father issued an Apostolic Letter on the Sacred Liturgy, Desiderio Desideravi, on the liturgical formation of the People of God. Its title is drawn from Luke 22:15 – “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.” In addition to highlighting significant elements of liturgical theology, the Holy Father calls for “serious and vital liturgical formation.” The nature of sacramental encounter, of symbols and symbolic language, of the ars celebrandi and the need to engage all the baptized in the fruitful celebration of the Paschal Mystery are addressed in the Apostolic Letter.
From Our Archdiocesan Office for Divine Worship
Formation of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Fr. Dennis Gill’s presentation at St. Norbert’s Parish)